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Twickenham United Reformed Church

Local History: The Journal of Abraham Slade 1817-1903

Introduction and Prologue 1856-57 1858-59
1860-61 1862-67 1868-80 1881-86 1887-1903


Feb 17.[1856] Sunday was a good day to my soul. Herd Mr Ingram in the evening, felt much lifted up

19. ...heard this morning of the death of Harry Chapman, a notorious drunkard. Glory be to God he has made me to differ. ...

Saturday night March 8. ...Herd Mr Ingram preach on Thursday evening. The words, as much as ye have done it to one of these my bretheren, ye have done it to me, was very much impressed on my mind. ...

March 30th. ... Herd the Revd. Mr Harver preach this morning, the master of the institution at Richmond, a delightful discourse...

April 10. ...I have the sabbath school more at heart more than ever I have had it before. May the Lord make me useful while I am spared, and use me for his own glory. ...

May 11th. For this last fortnight I have had little time or opportunity for writing, my mind having been much drowned in business and the cares of this life... There have been many large meetings lately of the enemys of my master Jesus, and these men would make the sabbath a day of toil, but glory to god they have not succeeded. The Lord has frustrated their designs, the legislature has decided in favour of the sabbath. Glory be to God. My business is extended from one man. I have 3 and a prentice but I am not ambitious... I am surrounded by those who are ignorant, who profane the sabbath by buying and selling, but they do not get rich. I keep the sabbath and delight in the Lord, and although I labor hard, I am happy and the Lord prospers me. He shall be my guide while life lasts.

26. ... Oh yes the world has of late had much of my time, and affections. This is Wednesday night 10 o'clock and now I am very tired. The business of the day has worn down my system. I have been to class this evening met Brother Pope our leader, Brother Griffin, Woollet, Cogswell, Wilshire and Sister Woolford. We had a good time and the Lord was with us. Our people has been very cold of late... like the barren hills of Wiltshire in the month of March, without any vestige of vegetation... Twickenham is a dreadful wicked place, very few who are the real followers of Christ, many professors, but few who take up their cross, and confess him before men. I feel my responsibility as a parent having 3 children to care for, and to train up for Christ... ...

July 6. ...I find the advice of that good man, Mr Richd. Baxter to be good in my case, he says, question yourself, and as how you are going on, and often and repeatedly. (had a good time at chapel this morning, found it good to talk to the boys in the school...)... ...

August 2nd Saturday evening. ... This evening, the 2nd at 20 minutes past 9, the Lord has given us another son, O help us to dedicate him to thee...

9th Saturday Evening 9 o'clock. Twickenham Fair is raging. The Devil his friends is pleasing. Young girls dressed in white, the merry dance, and joys of night. But oh the mornings reflections - Head ache, cannot rest, character lost..... ...

15. Six days of this world and its cares have weighed down my soul... I find self examination to be very necessary... I have prayed much of late for my Family, My ungodly brothers. O that God would convert them particularly Isaac. He has been to the the Crimea and has witnessed death in all its horror, I mean the horror of war... I had a good time this morning in the Sunday school. Felt my soul blessed under the prayer of Brother Hunter, a worthy man of God full of Zeal and love to God and his children. Mr Taylor preached from Kew... The congregation though small was very attentive. I trust we shall shortly have a Revival among us.

27. Saturday evening. This has been a week of trial mixed with much mercy. I find the cares of business which are incessant, to much for my weak body. My health is very delicate... I look forward to a good day tomorrow. Mr Harvers is to preach in our little chappell in the morning, and the Lord's supper in the evening... Mr Westleys Journal has interested me much of late: it is very instructive. ...

25. ...I am about beginning to build 4 cottages. I have worked hard and been careful and have I think sufficient to finish them. Thou O My Father hast made me thy steward, and may thy blessing attend my labours, and may the provision which I am trying to make for my children, be under thy special care... I know the responsibility of a parent, I trust the Lord will give me wisdom to do a parent's duty. I feel anxious for my 2 brothers, who are going to Australia, and they are both unconverted... but my prayers shall be dayly repeated for them while the Lord gives me breath. I have repeatedly warned them and I trust my example may have some influence on them...

Nov 10. To day my mother is returned home after staying with us for a week... My Brothers have been to see us still unconverted. All anxious for Australia. Oh that they were as anxious for heaven. ...

Thursday 12. Went to Richmond Missionary Meeting. Never enjoyed a better meeting in my life. Mr T. Jackson and Mr Farrow, and 2 Missionaries from the Cape & Australia. All spoke well. ...

Sunday 23. I have this evening parted with my two Brothers Isaac & Jacob for the last time. They are of for Australia on Tuesday. Our parting was very trying... Probly we may never meet again this side the grave... ...

- 1857

... Feb 6. This day I am 40 years old... ...

Feb. 28. My Diary has been neglected of late. I believe the reasons to be more than one. I have been entangled in the net of the world, been looking to much to the things of the world, and to much anxiety for to morrow. May this not be the case again...

March 23 I have been neglectful of my Diary this last month, but Bless the Lord I trust I have not neglected Him.. Good Friday. ...I have been persuaded to take a prominent place in the church...

May 3rd. The month of April has been on the whole a good month to my soul... Nothwithstanding I have many infirmities. We have had many sudden deaths in our neighbourhood of late. My mind is deeply deeply impressed with the uncertainty of life...

6. ...This is a day to be remembered by me. 28 years ago today I was bound an apprentice at Wincanton and my God has preserved me all that while... ...

June 12th. I have been absorbed in the world to much of late. Business and the cares of this life has been to much for me...

21 Sunday. The last week has been a week of labour and toil. To day I feel quite ill on account of it. This is the first day we have spent in our new residance... ...

July 10. I am now in my new house and my Shop is nearly completed...

12. To day I am very poorly...I have this day been writing to Dr Ramadge. He once saved me from the jaws of death when all other medical skill had failed. Have also written to my daughter Maria. I trust the Lord is carrying on his work in her soul. I feel business to be a trial But the Lord has placed me here, and may I be enabled to do my duty, be diligent in business, fervent in spirit serving the Lord. We are now settled in our new house on Twickenham Green...

Aug. 1. Returned from Wincanton & Upton. Been down for 5 days... ...

Sept. 5. 1857. I have this day received a letter from my two brothers in Australia. After a pleasant voyage and in good health, they are now at a place called Mudger 180 miles from Sidney...

9. My little Arthur this evening was looking for the moon and could not see it, he said he suppose that God had put out his hand and placed a piece of string round it and pulled it in. Mr Hunter's sale was postponed yesterday till Monday next. Met Brother Hunter in class this evening. Had a prayer meeting, Mr Pope our leader being absent.

16. Met Brother Hunter in class for the last time. The Rev. Jackson of Brentford gave us our quarterly tickets.

20. Had Brother Hunter and family to Drive and Brother Minston preached at the chapel to day. We all had tea together, and then I took a farewell of Brother Hunter and a[ll] his family with his dear wife who was very much affected by our parting. Most probly never to meet again in time, as they are going to Australia, and I expect never to return... ...

Dec. 5. I have neglected my Diary this last month. I am resolved to be more diligent in the future. Trade is very dull, the panic both in America and at home has nearly put a stop to all the trades. It is now I bless God my hope is in him... ...

14. Went to the college Richmond Hill to the Students Miss[ionary] Meeting. Enjoyed it very much.

20. ...I am much pained at the state of Wesleyanism in this place. There is no conversions and few attend the house of God. I Believe the Lord will not bless us till we have 2 Characters that stand prominent in our church removed XX [initials crossed through] and YY. Their conduct before the world is so inconsistent, one having got money under false pretences and the other has left the last 3 houses without paying his rent... How can such men dare stand up to teach others. It is a disgrace to the Society that such things should be winked at... I have seen the same things when a boy and can well remember how contemptable such men were in my sight, although a stranger to religion myself at that time.

Introduction and Prologue 1856-57 1858-59 1860-61 1862-67 1868-80 1881-86 1887-1903

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