Brian Louis Pearce

Poet and Novelist

Brian died on April 4th 2006 - his work survives as his memorial

Brian Louis Pearce picture

Poetry Fiction Personal information Other works


Brian Pearce’s own poetry includes:

"He is a deeply traditional English poet but one who has ever been alert to the possibilities of experiment and innovation ... an accomplished public lecturer and a good reader" -William Oxley

"In both matter and manner Pearce is an extender and rebuilder of the past; his experimentation extends rather than rejects the old; his vision values cultural continuity." -Glyn Pursglove, Acumen

"The result is a fine example of the complementary natures of poetry and painting." -Michael Holroyd, of Gwen John Talking

"His work lives uncomfortably, as all great literature does, with unresolved contraries: the formal mastery is a framework for profound enquiries." -David Porter, Arts Media Journal

Read some of Brian Louis Pearce's poetry now:


His fiction includes:

About his fiction and poetry see; Emotional Geology: the writings of Brian Louis Pearce,, 1993 : ed. R.M. Loydell, Stride symposium, with interviews etc. [1-873012-63-2]; David Porter's "The AM Interview: Brian Louis Pearce" AM: the Arts media journal (3), Autumn 2002, pp 4-8 (includes photographs by Tricia Porter); Alan Gaunt: Work for the Spirit: The Poetry of Brian Louis PearcePoetry Salzburg Review, (4) Spring 2003, 73-91.

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For his lectures, many given at the National Portrait Gallery, London, see:
Varieties of Fervour: portraits of Victorian and Edwardian poets, University of Salzburg Press 1996

Personal Information

Brian Louis Pearce, poet, novelist, lecturer and playwright, MA FLA. FRSA. DipREwas born in Acton, West London, 1933. He was married with one daughter and was a URC elder and lay-preacher. He was a college librarian, tutor in creative writing, examiner, adjudicator,chairman of the Richmond Poetry Group and member of the London Arts Board Writers in Schools Scheme. Member De La Mare, Hopkins, David Jones, Masefield and Palgrave Societies. From October 1997 to January 1998 he acted as honorary librarian of the Theological College of Zimbabwe, Bulawayo. Brian died on April 4th 2006

Other Publications


Other publications:

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To visit Brian Louis Pearce's church, click here.

This page last revised 6 May 2008.